Consider the following things before starting an office romance

Consider the following things before starting an office romance

Is there a beautiful worker who happens to have an interest in you? Have you considered asking them out to at least know them better? Know that you are not alone, as many people usually fall in love at the workplace.  Several individuals also at times feel uneasy when starting a relationship with a co-worker. …

5 Ways to Convert a Rebound into a Romance

5 Ways to Convert a Rebound into a Romance

You just found out that the person you are dating recently ended their previous relationship.  You really like this person and don’t just want to be their rebound.  Rebounds never lead to lasting love, or could they?  Although you should be cautious with anyone who is newly single, this doesn’t mean they are broken and …

Block Energy Vampires in 15 Steps

If you have recently found yourself drained of motivation after spending time with another person, you might have been a victim of an energy vampire.  You can prevent being impacted by other malevolent beings by setting clear boundaries for yourself and taking simple precautions to deter from people sucking your vital life energy. These following …

5 Ways to Keep Being You in a Relationship

5 Ways to Keep Being You in a Relationship

Relationships are wonderful but can have their own unique challenges. One of those obstacles that is prevalent in many committed relationships is losing your identity. This sometimes happens when people have been married or living together for a couple of years. When people first get married or start living together, they are excited about their …

Are You In an Abusive Relationship?

Are You In an Abusive Relationship?

Dating abuse can begin far younger than you may think. It commonly occurs in teen relationships, because many young people view a boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s controlling tendencies as proof of affection or love. But such behaviors are often evidence of an abusive relationship. My own story began when I was in 7th grade and met …