- Stay away from someone that makes you feel that you are amazing one day but then they come back and make you feel that you aren’t enough and that you are worthless.
- Stay away from someone that thinks that loving you for a few minutes or a few days is okay but then they don’t want to love you anymore until it works best for them.
- Stay away forms someone that makes you wonder if they love you or someone that makes you wonder if you are wanted by them or not.
- Stay away from the person who only has time to text you when they aren’t busy or the one that doesn’t talk to you for days on end because they don’t feel that it is convenient for them at the time.
- Stay away from the person that doesn’t check on you to see how your day has been or doesn’t care if you are okay or not.
- Stay away form someone that only uses you when they have no one else to talk to or spend time with. Stay away from someone that doesn’t see how worth it that you really are.
- Stay away form the person that only wants you around when their ex is around because they know it makes their ex jealous.
- Stay away from the person that only wants you around because you build them up and you make them feel better about who they are.
- Stay away from the person that only wants attention from you but doesn’t care to give you, their love.
- Stay away from the person that doesn’t make you feel that you are important and doesn’t care about what you have to say because they will never see you for who you are.
- Stay away form the person that knows you want to be more than just their friend, but they will still stay with you as a friend because they know that you will do whatever they need or want.
- Stay away form a person that will never be with you in a relationship but wants you to give them all the benefits of being with someone.
- Stay away from the person who tells you that they are too busy for you and that they don’t want to spend time with you right now.
- Stay away from the person that is not over their ex and they want them to be single again so that they can get together.
- Stay away from the person that doesn’t give you support or care about your goals and your dreams and they are only interested in how you can help them.
- Stay away form the person that rejects you over and over again because they have feelings for someone else that isn’t you.
- Stay away from the person that wants you to give them advice on other people even though they know you have feelings for them.
- Stay away from the person that says that they are your best friend, but they keep hurting you over and over again.
- Stay away from the people that confuse you and make you feel that you aren’t enough. Dating is hard and relationships are hard too but when you are after people that don’t want to be with you, this can be devastating.
- Don’t be around people that don’t make it clear what they want form you or someone that is looking for a relationship other than you. When you try to change someone’s mind or make them love you, it is just harder on you. You can never change someone for how they see you. Find someone that can love you and have the same feelings for you that you have for them. Stop chasing someone that is confusing.
- Stay away from the people that confuse you because they are confused about who you are and what you deserve in your life.
- You deserve to be with someone that loves you the same way that you love and care for them. Be with someone that wants you in their life and that is there to build a strong life with you. You need to be with someone that will bring you love, balance and peace in your life. Spend your time with someone that makes you know that you are enough. Don’t be with people that you are afraid will leave you but those that you know will love you.